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Registered Agent Services
Florida requires a registered agent (RA) and a registered office for every corporation, limited liability company (LLC), and limited partnership that is either organized in Florida (a domestic entity) or organized in another state, territory, or country and that conducts business in Florida (a foreign entity). The RA’s business office, called the registered office, must have a street address in Florida. This includes entities that own real estate in Florida or own a mortgage on Florida real estate. Unfortunately, the address can’t be a P.O. box.
Businesses without commercial locations in Florida often throw caution to the wind and use their home address for their business address. They believe they have no other choice. But what if you do not even have a residence in Florida? At My CPA we realize this is a challenge for many. Therefore, we offer registered agent services as part of our Obooks™ business solutions. As your “registered agent” we are designated by you to receive official legal documents, such as lawsuit papers, subpoenas, and other legal notices which we will in turn make available to you electronically as soon as received and also by mail, if so requested, to a location of your preference.