Al Masters is a licensed Certified Public Account in good standing with the State of Florida and The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants since 1978. He has over 40 years of experience working for The Department of the Treasury and in public accounting. He has a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the University of Illinois. Al is a poker game enthusiast and a member of a poker group for the past 38 years. The group meets weekly. The members have become an extended family to him with whom he shares dinners, vacations, weddings, and all types of family events. He and his wife Cherie have been married 52 years and are the proud grandparents of 6 grandsons.
Al began his accounting career in 1973 working for the Internal Revenue Service in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He performed tax audits on individuals and businesses in various industries and business entity types. These business entity types included corporations, partnerships, and sole proprietors. After 5 years he left the IRS and joined Elmer Fox & Company, the 11th largest public accounting firm in the US, as a Tax Manager for their Miami office. Desiring to control his own destiny, Al started his own practice which he eventually merged with Schneider, Hirschhorn, Poole, and Masters; becoming a Partner of one of the largest public accounting firms in Broward County, Florida. In 1994 he moved his practice Albert L. Masters CPA to Coral Springs Florida and has managed and operated that firm until ultimately merging with My CPA, PA.